Wesleyan Hills Association

All residents in Wesleyan Hills are members of the umbrella homeowners’ association called the Wesleyan Hills Association.  The Association maintains the 30 acres of land in the community owned by all and called Common Land.  This includes the ponds, the lawns around the ponds, the three miles of footpaths, the four bridges on the paths, and the Barns complex.  The Association also enforces the covenants and restrictions

The Association is run by a Board of Directors consisting of six to nine volunteer residents who meet on the second Monday of each month at 5:15pm in the Little Barn.  They are elected by the Wesleyan Hills Council for five-year terms at their June meeting and begin the following October and end in September of the 5th year.

Minutes of the Board are posted in the resident portal after approval.

The Association is financed by semi-annual assessments to all residents based on the Middletown Grand List.  The Board of Directors sets the mill rate each June.  In 2014 the semi-annual assessments ranged from $73 to $308

Mini-Neighborhoods:  Most streets of single-family homes and each condo complex make up one of the 31 Mini-Neighborhood associations. Each home has a vote (renters have half a vote and the unit owner has half a vote).  These associations should have an annual meeting between September 1 and September 15 to elect a treasurer and two representatives to the Wesleyan Hills Council.  The treasurer receives the check for the 15% rebate from the semi-annual Wesleyan Hills Association’s assessments for the Mini-Neighborhood to decide how to use it to improve their neighborhood.  (If there is no treasurer, no check will be sent.)
Click here to see a list of the Mini-Neighborhoods

Wesleyan Hills Council: The Wesleyan Hills Council is made up of the elected representatives of each Mini-Neighborhood.  The first meeting of the year is the third Monday in September.  Thereafter the Council then meets on the first Monday of five additional months at 7pm in the Little Barn including a June meeting at which the Council shall elect a member of the Board of Directors to succeed any member whose term will expire the following October. Anyone considering serving on the Board of Directors should introduce themselves to the Council prior to June. The Council is a place to ask questions of the Association and to suggest actions of the Board of Directors.

Architectural & Landscape Review Committee (ALRC)
The Wesleyan Hills Architectural & Landscape Review Committee meets the 2nd Monday each Month at 5:15pm in the Little Barn. The Committee reviews all exterior changes, new construction and landscaping changes. This Committee is made up of Volunteers from the community who give their time each month to review and approve all exterior changes within the community. All Applications need to be submitted a minimum of 7 days prior to meeting date in order to be considered for that months agenda. All applicants are urged to call Westford Real Estate Management at (860) 528-2885 if they have questions about the process.
Residents interested in volunteering on this committee should contact the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has been functioning as the ALRC
Download the ALRC Forms
Single-Family Homes in Wesleyan Hills

The three single-family residential areas are identified by the names of colors given to the main street:  Red, Yellow and Blue. Further, the names of cul-de-sacs off these main streets include the area’s color name such as Yellow Pine, Blue Spruce, and Red Clover. All the streets (except Orange Road) are owned and maintained by the City of Middletown. This includes snowplowing and maintenance of the streetlights.

Custom-built homes on larger lots are in the Red areas; homes on smaller lots and clustered around a commonly owned green are in the Yellow area; and homes on traditionally designed streets are in the Blue area.  Footpaths are behind many of the homes connecting neighborhoods in a car free environment.

To keep the community as attractive as possible, the community has rules regarding the exterior of the homes.  When property is purchased, buyers agree to comply with these and other covenants thereby agreeing to maintain the design standard established for Wesleyan Hills They are listed under  “Covenants and Restrictions”. Any change to the exterior of a home must receive prior approval of the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC).  Applications can downloaded here.

Long Hill Road and Blue Road are on the B route of the Middletown Area Transit (MAT) bus lines connecting it to downtown Middletown.  There is a bus shelter at the intersection of Yellow Road and Long Hill Road.  The schedule can be viewed at the MAT website: middletownareatransit.org

Condominiums in Wesleyan Hills

There are 250 condominiums in seven condo associations in Wesleyan Hills.  Although members of the Wesleyan Hills Association, each condominium complex also has its own associations and and management companies.  They also have a separate Board of Directors and rules in addition to this of the Wesleyan Hills Association.
Long Hill Condominiums is the largest with over 100 units overlooking a large wooded area and a pond.  About half the units have an attached garage. They are located on the west side of Long Hill Road.
Ridgely I, II, and III comprise 96 townhouses in five Mini-Neighborhoods along the east side of Long Hill Road. Nearby is a large open field with a stream crossed by two wooden footbridges connecting the condominium paths to the community footpaths.  Ridgely II (746-816 Long Hil lRoad) has FHA approval.
Governors’ Grove is the designation for the 43 uniquely styled units along Orange Road.  This complex was designed in 1970 by the nationally acclaimed architect, Louis Sauer of Philadelphia.  The name Governors’ Grove was taken from the names of Connecticut governors given to distinguish the different styles of the units.
Laurel Ridge with 26 townhouses in four buildings on Canterbury Court, is the smallest condo complex.  Many units have a garage nearby. All have balconies off the living room